Wednesday, May 28, 2014

CMN Telethon - May 28, 2014

Owen is scheduled to do a live interview for the telethon on Saturday May 31st between 2:30 and 3pm ok KCBD channel 11. They also have a previously recorded interview that they will play sometime during the weekend as well. 

Owen has been struggling eat lately, we are not sure why, he has only gained 5 oz in two weeks compared to his normal 15 oz that he usually gains. 

Thursday we go to the immunatologist for some blood work to check his immunity levels. 

Monday we go back to see his pediatrition for a check up. Hopefully he will have a solution as to why Owen is refusing to eat at times.

June 10th we head to the cardiologist to make sure everything is still good since leaving the NICU.

This boy is growin fast! 

Serious photoshoot, no smiling 
Hanging with his friends
Filling out this spread sheet
Feeding himself! Nom nom
Helping mom in the kitchen 
Working on sitting!

1 comment:

  1. Love the happy face! Good to see Owen smile...his TV debut was such a hit (if we could have heard what his parents had to say!)
    Love you
